Yankee Flying Club has been in the air since 1968 and is based at the Crystal, MN, airport. (KMIC). We have 65 shareholders with four aircraft in our fleet – two Cessna 172s and two Cessna 182RGs.
Membership in the club is open to student and experienced pilots alike. The current insurance minimums for our aircraft are: Cessna 172s, student pilot or higher. Cessna 182RG, 200 hours total time. In addition, a checkout with a club instructor is required for each aircraft type.
All aircraft are rented to members for a 'wet/Tach' rate. Each member is assessed monthly dues of $, plus sales tax.
Club members are shareholders and co-owners of the aircraft. Shares become available periodically and prices are determined by seller preferences and market conditions. Each share is assessed monthly dues covering all fixed expenses that are incurred whether the aircraft fly or not. (e.g. aircraft insurance, hanger expenses, annual costs, etc).
Aircraft reservations are managed through flightcircle.com. This tool helps ensure that members have equal opportunities to schedule airplanes whenever and for however long they need them.
Contact us about share availability – or any question you might have.
Social activities
Members meet the first Tuesday of the month to share the latest club business. Plane washes are scheduled throughout the warmer months and members frequently fly together for meals and events. An annual dinner features great food, photo shows and door prizes.